Pattison's Movie House Compendium

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A little bit about Maria (person who built the site)

I don't know how you might've found this website. Likely, I sent it to you directly and desperately implored you to give it a glance, or maybe you actually clicked the link I put in my letterboxd profile. Either way, now you're here! Some basic facts:

That last bullet point is pretty much the long and short of why I started to fiddle around with this project. Yadda yadda yadda, we all love movies, not gonna necessarily get into the particulars of my love for film, who cares, movies are great. But movie theaters...! Now there's something special. As someone who cares deeply about film, it stands to reason that I also care deeply about the way that films oughta be experienced. On nearly every level, I think watching a movie in theaters is a better and more productive way of watching a movie than any other. No talking, no phones, massive screen in front of you, encompassing audio surrounding you... Aside from maybe the chance of encountering poor theater etiquette from other moviegoers, the best way to be immersed in a movie is in a theater.

I also love the architecture of movie theaters and consider myself an armchair-cinema-architectural-historian. I even wrote a paper about two historic movie theaters. If you really wanna indulge me, you'll give that a gander, too.